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Change Technologies

Change Technologies

Some of the frameworks we employ frequently in our work are :

  • Human Process Facilitation / Process Work
  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Open Space Technology
  • Complex Adaptive Systems
  • Multiple Coaching Models
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • We use the following change management approaches and OD technologies to support the design of customized, sustainable and productive change interventions for our clients.
  • Human Process Facilitation / Process Work :

    This methodology places emphasis on experiential learning and is dependant of the ability of the group to experiment in the "here and now". The participants of the group work together, along with a facilitator to learn about human processes, and in the process discover more about themselves, their strengths, their styles, their interpersonal and group interactions, how they perceive others, and are perceived by others. While this is the primary task, there is no predetermined agenda and the group uses the "here and now" experience to derive this learning, using each other as a resource. The facilitators help create a climate for such learning.
  • Appreciative Inquiry Process :

    Operates from the belief that systems evolve towards what they persistently ask questions about. Appreciative inquiry focuses on discovering what is it that the organization does when it is performing at its best. Discovering the life giving forces in the organization inspires action and innovation.The organization learns to apply itself to growth rather than just limiting itself to problem solving.
  • Open Space Technology :

    It is based on the belief that we humans are intelligent, creative, adaptive and "meaning and fun seeking". Open Space allows people to come together in a voluntary manner to explore issues and discover emerging thought patterns.Open Space conferences are particularly effective when a large, complex operation needs to be thoroughly re-conceptualized and reorganized. It is based on the assumption that such a system contains within it the seeds of everything that needs to happen with it. Open Space provides it with an opportunity to self-organize into its new configuration.
  • Complex Adaptive systems approach :

    There is a dark invisible workmanship
    that reconciles discordant elements
    and makes them move in one society.

    - The Prelude, Wordsworth

    The science of complexity ironically looks at the law of simplicity directly in the eye. Simple elements randomly thrown together can give rise to very complex behaviours. Complex behaviours can give rise to simple systems. Evidence from the science of complexity shows that given certain clear parameters, communities and teams will self-organize. Complex Adaptive Systems approach looks at developing simple systems within complex, chaotic behaviours whilst retaining the character and creativity of the organization and its people.
  • Multiple Coaching Models :

    At Resonate, we base our methodology on two basic building blocks - Awareness and Responsibility. Our quest is to build high - level of environment and self - awareness for our Coachees (the person who is being coached), thus raising their own sensitivity and alertness to the factors impinging their choices. We believe that a sense of chosen responsibility (versus given responsibility) for one's words, actions and learning is the gateway to each individual's leadership expansion.

    Our preferred models of coaching are;

    Behavioural Coaching – The GROW model :

    The GROW model (developed by Sir John Whitmore) is flexible and it allows the coach and coachee to jump backwards or forwards through the four elements within the session.

    • Goal : What do you want?
    • Reality : What is happening now?
    • Options : What could you do?
    • Will : What will you do?

    GROW model provides a structured approach to :

    Performance Coaching :

    Often high - potential and usually high - performing managers and leaders and their orgnizations, find themselves in a surpising cycle of low performance.The performance focused approach to coaching is about asking the right questions, about keeping the coachees focused on what they want to achieve and not what has happened in the past. The coach approaches the coaching from wanting to discover rather than analyze. Therefore inquiry into the coachees goals, expectations and resources becomes crucial in finding a solution.

    Appreciative Coaching :

    Appreciative Coaching uses the principles of Appreciative Inquiry in the coaching process and assumes that every individual has untapped, rich, and inspiring accounts of the positive. Appreciative coaching is based on the belief that we as humans have the intrinsic capacity to not only be resilient in life but to thrive and flourish.

    Appreciative Coaching model is the search for positive through Discovery (discovery of one's strengths and abilities), Dream (articulating potential and one's future), Design (directing and action for desired future) and Destiny (seeing and living the dream in present).

    Appreciative Coaching does not ignore problems or difficulties. Rather it attempts to shift attention to what is the desired future. In view of that future the problems are resolved or seem to become inconsequential.

    Integrative Coaching :

    Integrative Coaching model is Resonate's way of weaving systemic and personal change into building overall capacity of an organization. It consists of six streams that flow together to form an integrated model to be used by a coach.

    • The first two streams work collectively and are concerned with formation and maintenance of the relationship between coach and coachee.
    • The next three streams are the focus of the work between coach and coachee. They are concerned with coachee's behaviour, his / her conscious thoughts and unconscious thoughts.
    • The final stream is systemic helping coachee to understand the wider system in which he / she works, its impact on his / her behaviour and vice - versa.

    Integrative Coaching

  • Emotional Intelligence :

    "Emotional Intelligence is the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships."
    - Daniel Goleman

    Today’s organizations consist of knowledge workers who are globally spread, need to make quick and significant decisions in ambiguous environments and continually seek personal and professional growthopportunities. Manages and Leaders in such an environment find facts and figures, data and analysis, and strategies are increasinglyinadequate as a way to lead their people to goals of the organization. To us at Resonate, tapping into Emotional Intelligence of self and others is a powerful means of guiding decisions, visions, goals and indeed people.Tapping into EI creates possibilities for authentic, transparent and courageous dialogue among people, creating strong and engaging network of relationships to deal with the new realities. We approach EI by helping leaders build:

    Emotional intelligence consists of following attributes:
    • Self-awareness: Ability to recognise and articulate own emotions and moods and be aware of their effect on self and others
    • Self regulation: Ability to regulate negative emotions and maintain calm and focused approach in challenging circumstances
    • Motivation: An intrinsic ability to pursue goals with energy and enthusiasm
    • Empathy: Ability to tune in to others’ emotions and needs and to interact with them appropriately
    • Social skills: Ability to influence groups by building aspiration, common goals and network relationships
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